
Learn the Crochet Basics

I am really excited to tell you all about a new section on the website. Learn the Crochet Basics.

Throughout the last year with COVID around and isolations, restrictions and lockdowns many people have started looking for new hobbies. With this in mind I wanted a way to share my love of crochet with those that can crochet and those that can not just yet.

I have put together a page which contains the basics to help learn how to crochet. Starting right from the beginning with examples of how to hold your hook and yarn. Creating a slip knot and a foundation chain, while covering the basic stitches. You can find it on the menu bar at the top of the page or click HERE.

For each section it contains written step by step instructions, step by step phots and a short video tutorial so that no matter which way you learn I hope I have you covered.

This leads me on to the news that I have started a YouTube Channel!! I am very nervous about this step as it is a massive leap out of my comfort zone. You can find it HERE. Its one of those things I’ve wanted to do for a while but kept putting it off. I am finally really pushing myself so that I can make this my job.

I will be adding stitch tutorials here too for those that can crochet, I have not forgot you.

All this techy stuff is so new and I am really enjoying the challenge.

Is there any stitch tutorials you would like to see? Just let me know in the comments below or send me and email Stitchedupbyemma@hotmail.com

I hope you like this new section and I can not wait to add to it.